JavaScript and its Frameworks: Leading the Way in Web Development

Image Credit: Skill Reactor



JavaScript or JS, is a type of programming language used to create special functions for websites. It is used to create animated graphics, interactive maps, scrolling video jukeboxes, calendars and schedulers, clocks, and game development, in apps for artificial intelligence and virtual reality. JS is used for web and mobile applications. Created in 1995 by Brendan Eich, JavaScript remains widely used, appearing on 98.8 percent of web and mobile pages.


Image: Popularity of JS


Structure of JavaScript Frameworks

How is JS used ?

JavaScript codes are individually written, labelled, and stored in libraries. Frameworks are a group of these libraries. Libraries are used to obtain code for specific functions on the webpage. Framework gives all the code needed for creating the site. 

In the above figure:

Modules are used to develop the code for functionality. Rather than repeatedly coding, individual modules are created with three arrays - bootstrap, export, and import.

Components are the coded pieces. They have a template, class, and metadata.

Template is essential for rendering the ‘View’ function in an app. It has the specified HTML code for directives, rendering, and binding.

Metadata refers to the data that defines classes, and it typically includes a decorator. Data binding is a method used to link classes with their properties.

Services are developed to obtain common functionalities in more than 1 module simultaneously.

Dependency injection helps to increase the module functionality during special events such as runtime.


Advantages and Disadvantages of JavaScript

Advantages of using JS frameworks:

Increased functionality: Use of JS framework enhances page and app functionality. Rich and attractive dynamic elements such as drop-down menus, mouse-over, web forms, colour change, etc. are possible. Without JS, long codes are the only option.

Reuse codes: The JS framework is pre-coded. Developers call them from the library when needed, be it for any number of times. This reusable feature is important in obtaining higher productivity.

Fast: JS is fast and it does not increase the server load or slow loading of the page.

Client-side security: JS frameworks have many security features. Making hackers find it harder to hack or steal information. With this, user data and company information are secured.

Versatility: With JS frameworks, the range of functions and versatility is high. New JS can be written and stored in the library and used when needed.


Disadvantages of JS frameworks:

Security risks: JavaScript operates on the client side, which means there's a risk of compromising JS files and potentially infecting users' devices. By following secure coding practices, validating inputs, and properly handling errors, we can mitigate these risks.

Increased server load: When large data is processed from the client side, the server can be strained and performance slows. This problem can be overcome by distributing the load.

Browser compatibility: JS should be tested and run on different browsers to test its harmonious working with varied browsers.

More than one inheritance is not possible: In JavaScript, a class can only inherit from one direct parent class and its properties. This means it cannot utilise properties from multiple parent classes. Consequently, JavaScript is not well-suited for large object-oriented programming structures.

Slower rendering: During running, JS code runs line after line, and is not compiled into the machine. This feature reduces the speed of rendering.


Varieties of JS frameworks

Leading Front-end and Back-end JS Frameworks 

Front-end JS frameworks

Front-end frameworks are client-facing. They help to give web pages many features like adding user comments, graphics, forms, scrolling text, and other features.

React: The framework that is utilised for the development of both web and mobile applications is known to be popular among developers – it is, of course, React. The mechanism includes the virtual representation of the UI in memory referred to as virtual DOM and it makes use of syncing virtual DOM with the real DOM. This technique ensures that pages load faster. 

It enables the addition of complex interfaces and visually appealing page elements. React is used for creating single-page applications (SPAs) and dynamic applications for both web and mobile platforms. This JavaScript framework was developed by Facebook and is accessible to all developers.


Angular: Developed by Google, it aids in creating large and complex websites. It helps manage large data sets. It synchronises actions between the model and view, thus allowing changes that are carried in a model to be instantly available in view mode.

Angular is used for fast coding, and testing an app, and uses dependency injection. Built on well-structured templates, it uses 2-way data binding to create reliable pages. It is used as a reliable tool to create, track, and manage very large websites.


Vue: Vue is a very popular JS. It allows websites to be developed incrementally, making it suitable for small as well as very large sites. It uses reactive data binding, thus when changes are made to data, changes are instantly seen in the user interface. It reduces the need for large complex code too.

Vue uses component binding features, meaning, the user interface is split into reusable components allowing for increased reuse in complex apps. The component binding with progressive development helps to create small components that can be tested and revised before use.


Back-end JS frameworks

These are on the server side and developers use them to provide a large variety of functionalities. Some examples of these functionalities are handling errors, managing user requests, API and middleware linking, and others.

Node. Js: Developed for Google Chrome, it uses an asynchronous event that does not block any event when running. As a result, server apps run fast. High-performance apps that can scale as per demand from users, allow the JS to build APIs, microservices, and applications that run in real-time.

Several popular JS are available in Node. Some of them are Nest, Feather, and Socket.IO, and others. Node has templates and libraries that allow routing. These features increase the smooth and easy handling and running of chats, data streaming, and live feeds.


Django: This JS is very popular in building e-commerce sites, and sites that use large data. It uses a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and has several libraries and tools. The JS has security features that prevent code from execution in the template layers, keeping the site secure since hackers cannot install or inject malware.

Authentication of users with Django is easy since user accounts and group permissions are managed. By using the ‘Shared-Nothing’ architecture, hardware and software components are kept separate. Thus, changes to any component will not impact the whole site.


Laravel: This JS is used with the PHP framework, helping it increase productivity while eleganting site designs. It offers routing to allow for traffic movement, and caching to allow for fast loading of pages.

Authentication of users with Laravel is easy, and it allows fast queues, file management, and validation. It is used to build small and large web pages and mobile sites, and several extensions are available.



It is clear from the discussions that JavaScript remains popular among web and mobile application developers. Several features such as reusing code, fast loading, versatility, reduction of code complexity, and enhanced functionality have made JS popular. JavaScript is popular and indispensable for website and mobile application design. About 65.82 percent of developers across the world use different types of JS. Hence, the conclusion is that JavaScript is still pioneering future web development. 

A review of the structure shows that JavaScript frameworks are very well structured. The availability of libraries that store additional functions is useful in adding dynamic features to pages. Writing the code for all the functions would take more time and effort. 

Several popular JS frameworks were reviewed for their function, mode of work, and implementation. The discussion indicates that JavaScript will continue to pioneer the future of web development.

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