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Windows Configuration Update Failure : When you try to update your Windows, configuring windows update failure revert changes error may occur.


Windows Configuration Update Failure : When you try to update your Windows, configuring windows update failure revert changes error may occur.

If you are also facing this error while updating the windows and don’t know how to rectify the error, then you are in the right place. In this post, we will help you troubleshoot the windows configuration update failure reverting changes error.

List of Ways to Fix Windows Configuration Update Failure Reverting Changes

We will share several ways to resolve windows configuration update failure reverting changes issues.

  1. Unplug Removable Device from your Laptop
  2. Use Clean Boot State to Install Windows Update
  3. Use Windows Update Troubleshooter
  4. Do System Restoration
  5. Delete Windows Update Cache

Unplug Removable Device from your Laptop

When a removable device like a USB or memory card is attached to your computer, it can cause an issue in the update of your Windows. We suggest you unplug the removable devices and try updating Windows again. Hopefully, you will be successful in updating windows, but if the issue continues, then go to the next step.

Use Clean Boot State to Install Windows Update

We suggest you install windows update in the clean boot state. In a clean boot state, only functions of the operating system run, and there are fewer chances of error.

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