6th Edition of the International Nutrition Research Conference

6th Edition of the International Nutrition Research Conference

Architects and Engineers Articles
NH Villa Carpegna Via Pio IV, 6, 00165 Roma RM, Italy
Romelândia, SC
Magnus Group warmly invites you to participate in the esteemed "6th Edition of International Nutrition Research Conference" (Nutrition 2024), slated to unfold in the vibrant city of Rome, Italy from September 16-18, 2024. Acknowledging the prevailing globa


Magnus Group cordially invites your active participation in the esteemed "6th Edition of International Nutrition Research Conference" (Nutrition 2024), set to unfold in the lively city of Rome, Italy from September 16-18, 2024. In acknowledgment of the prevailing global circumstances, Nutrition 2024 extends the option for virtual attendance.

Themed "Showcasing Trends Evolving to Address Nutritional Gaps through Technology and Healthcare Advancements,” this pioneering event will cover a diverse array of topics in the nutrition domain, bringing together a multitude of experts including researchers, scientists, academicians, healthcare professionals, public health experts, and specialists in the field of nutrition. Nutrition Science Events 2024 assures the presence of enlightening keynote speakers, engaging panel sessions featuring distinguished speakers, insightful seminars, as well as dynamic oral and poster presentations. The event is also poised to host a variety of scientific and public health exhibitors.

Over three days, our focus will revolve around the latest trends and advancements in the nutrition field. We will delve into cutting-edge research and developments, placing a spotlight on effective strategies for promoting optimal nutrition and exploring its far-reaching implications for public health. Join us for this transformative exploration of the evolving landscape of nutrition.

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