Reliable Garden and Ponds

Reliable Garden and Ponds

315 Middle Country Rd, Middle Island,
Middle Island, NY
Reliable Garden is a full-line garden center in Long Island known to create a lush garden oasis for your backyard.


Reliable Garden is a full-line garden center in Long Island known to create a lush garden oasis for your backyard. We have been in the garden center business for over 35 years having professional staff who bring your vision into reality. At Reliable Garden, you will get quality garden pond equipment and accessories that help create a beautiful and sustainable water garden pond. We also provide assistance with any gardening questions to our customers. So, create your own oasis with a Reliable Garden and give life to your backyard.


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Monday to Friday : 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm



Reliable Garden and Ponds
Middle Island, New York , United States