SKT Plastering Pty Ltd

SKT Plastering Pty Ltd

10 Lambert Cres, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153, Australia
Sydney, NSW
As a company, we only employ qualified, experienced tradespeople, and we personally select those whom we employ. An exception to this is our own apprentices, several of whom are still with us year and years after having done their apprenticeships and havin


As a company, we only employ qualified, experienced tradespeople, and we personally select those whom we employ. An exception to this is our own apprentices, several of whom are still with us year and years after having done their apprenticeships and having been trained from the ground up by us.

At SKT Plastering, we are more than just a plasterer Sydney, gyprock and rendering professionals. We have a diverse range of companies encompassed within the SKT Plastering brand, making us one of the most versatile businesses within the plastering, gyprock and rendering your property, to ensure that everything we do is kept local, here in NSW.


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