TechForce Academy

TechForce Academy

2/5, George St. North Strathfield
Sydney, NSW
Start your career in IT and Salesforce with TechForce Academy. Our IT & Salesforce online training certification programs are designed to prepare you for a thriving career in Salesforce. Be industry-ready in under 12 weeks with our online Salesforce train


TechForce Academy is an online learning platform that provides training and certification programs in Salesforce, a popular customer relationship management (CRM) software. Our courses are designed to be hands-on and practical and cater to both beginners and IT professionals looking to upskill in Salesforce. We claim that our programs are created by experts and aligned with the latest industry trends.

Here's what sets TechForce Academy apart:

Master in-demand Salesforce expertise: Salesforce is a powerful CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software widely used across various industries. By honing your Salesforce skills, you'll position yourself as a valuable asset in the competitive IT job market.

Designed for all levels: Whether you're a complete beginner or an IT professional seeking to upskill, TechForce Academy offers a range of programs tailored to your specific needs.

Curated by industry experts: The Academy's courses are meticulously crafted by Salesforce specialists, guaranteeing you're learning the latest industry trends and technologies.

Practical, hands-on learning: Forget passive lectures! TechForce Academy's approach is all about getting down to business. Through projects, simulations, and real-world challenges, you'll gain practical experience that translates directly to the workplace.

Convenience of online learning: Study at your own pace and schedule with the flexibility of online learning. This makes TechForce Academy a perfect choice for busy individuals seeking to fit career development around their lives.

Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders

TechForce Academy isn't just about acquiring certifications; it's about empowering you to become a leader in the field. Their commitment to quality education ensures you graduate with the confidence and practical skills to excel in your Salesforce career.


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