Transferhunt Featured

Park Hill Cir 952
Birmingham Gardens, NSW
Transferhunt is the football platform for fans. We provide you with all the data you need to make the right choice at the right time. This can be when you are looking to check the predictions and analytics of your most favoured team.


Hello to all football fanatics and stake holders! Are you fed up with taking poor decisions with the ongoing mess in football transfers? Look no further, with Transferhunt you are accessing the leading transfer market platform that would provide you, the football stake holder, with market insights and connections globally that would help you take better decisions. Forget hearsay and gut feelings. With TransferHunt you have access to the leading transfer market with user analytics platforms that help you take data-driven football decisions which facilitate global connections. Whether it is you fans, coaches, or investors, our platform is designed for all. Are you asking why ours over others? Data of 2,000 competitions. 20,000 coaches and 400k players. The most detailed and data - driven platform around. With TransferHunt get ready to take your football game to another dimension. You said you want to give that transfer contract to a player, want to connect with that top decision-maker and acquire his team? That’s exactly what we’re here for, with us as provider you make better and informed transfers. You don’t have to be back there typing name after name. Let us earn you that time and money, you keep your transfers intact and supported with detailed analytics. 


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