Why does animal health matter? How do we improve animal health?

Nashik, MH
SolMan Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. has a team of professionals with in-depth knowledge of the international and domestic veterinary pharmaceutical market, as we have been in the industry for more than two decades. Never forget that your Animal's well-being and


Animal health matters because it affects every aspect of their lives. When animals are healthy, they can live happier lives and do the things they're supposed to do, like eat, play, and move around freely. This is especially crucial because many animals are used for different purposes like entertainment, food, and even as pets. Ensuring their health means giving them the best chance at a good life, where they can thrive and enjoy the things that make them happy.


From the bottom of my heart: When you think about international development cooperation and food security, is animal health one of your main concerns? When I read about the recent news on famine in East Africa, I thought, ``Surely animal health is a factor in that?'' It must have had an impact!” Well, neither do I, but maybe we were wrong about that all along.


It turns out that it plays a big role for many people. According to the report “Animal Health in Development – ​​Its Role for Poverty Reduction and Human Welfare”, 70% of the world's rural poor rely on livestock farming. For these people, healthy livestock means that their capital and income do not suddenly disappear and become lifeless carcasses. This happens more often than you might think. According to the report, up to one in five livestock could die from the disease.


But there's another reason why we should care about our animals' health. Healthy animals not only benefit those around them but also play an important role in global public health. Many diseases and infections can be transmitted from animals to humans. The World Health Organization (WHO) is aware of more than 200 different so-called zoonotic diseases. Some of them spread regionally, while others, such as avian influenza, spread quickly across borders, putting the health of millions of people at risk. 


In this connection, two aspects of animal health need to be considered. First, ``healthy animals do not transmit infectious diseases.'' Second, it relates to the treatment of sick animals, which is usually done using antibiotics. While this may be effective in the short term, research shows that the incorrect overuse of antibiotics can lead to pathogen resistance and ultimately the emergence of multidrug-resistant microorganisms, so-called "superbugs." It is shown in Antibiotic resistance is recognized as a public health risk worldwide.


Healthier animals are more productive, which means higher incomes for the world's 750 million poor livestock farmers. Animal health issues also have a gender dimension, as women make up the majority of the rural poor. It is often the female members of the family who take care of the animals.


Therefore, animal health is important to animal owners. So far, so good. But who else could there be? Well, some people consume animal products. Continuing with the equation above, a healthy animal means a more productive animal, so there will be more meat, milk, and eggs. A stable supply makes these nutritious foods more affordable and accessible to consumers with limited budgets, such as the urban poor. Although people in Sweden and other parts of the Western world are encouraged to reduce their intake of animal products, this is not the case in many low-income countries where malnutrition is a problem. This means that healthier animals not only contribute to the food security of their owners but also to the food security of a larger segment of the population.


How do we improve animal health?

Improving health and happiness in animals is important for their survival. Whether you have cows or pets, there are things you can do to keep them healthy. Let's explore some tips for animal care in our country.


Good Nutrition


Livestock farmers make sure their animals eat a healthy diet, just like we do. They may add extra vitamins and minerals to their food, like how some people take supplements. To make sure the animal food has everything they need, companies check and adjust the nutrients in it. The National Research Council publishes books that show how much of each nutrient animals need at different stages, like when they're young or producing milk. Animals have different needs depending on whether they're breeding, pregnant, making milk, or growing.




Having a clean and dry place with good airflow is super important for animals. When they have a nice diet and a thick coat of wool, they can handle cold weather well. Good ventilation helps keep the air fresh and healthy. That's why farmers make sure their barns are clean and cosy, especially in winter. And animals like giving birth in clean pastures. So, the key is to keep things neat!




Livestock farmers pick vaccines that match their farm's needs. They choose based on which illnesses are common in their area and their own experience with sick animals. When giving vaccines, they follow simple rules like keeping them at the right temperature, giving them to clean animals, and using clean needles. They also make sure to follow the instructions on the vaccine label and don't use it if it's expired. They only vaccinate healthy animals, and they do it at least two weeks before any stressful events, like moving or weaning. This helps the vaccine work better and keeps the animals healthy.




Animal diseases can spread easily, even if animals don't look sick. So, when farmers take their animals to events like exhibitions or fairs, they separate them from the rest of their animals when they return home. This helps prevent any diseases they might have picked up from spreading to the whole farm. Farmers also avoid spreading diseases indirectly by changing their clothes and shoes after visiting other farms or places where animals gather. This way, they protect their animals from getting sick.


SolMan Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. has a team of professionals with in-depth knowledge of the international and domestic veterinary pharmaceutical market, as we have been in the industry for more than two decades.

Never forget that your Animal's well-being and health come first. In the future, Solman Healthcare looks forward to serving you and your pet animal/cattle health product


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