Looking for a hassle-free authentication solution? Engity is your GDPR-compliant, European, fully scalable, managed & flexibly customizable Identity & Access Management Provider.


Engity offers European SMEs, start-ups and grown-ups a hassle-free, customizable, managed and fully scalable Identity & Access Management solution. Hereby, Engity operates exclusively out of European data centers and can providefull compliance with GDPR regulations in Europe.  

Our IAM solution can be completely customized in look and feel, is future-proof thanks to unlimited scalability and is a leader in innovation with new features as e.g. Authentication Environments for Directories or Sign-Up without an E-Mail-Account. 

Login options: 

  • Classical Authentication with Username (E-mail) and Password,

  • Social-Logins (Google, Facebook, Apple ...), 

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Single-Sign-On, 

  • Passwordless Login (via Magic-Links, Biometrics), 

  • Sign-up without E-Mail-Account and Single Cross Device Login, 

  • Keyboardless Device Login & Authentication, 


Security features: 

  • Easy-Ensure Strong Password Check  

  • Breached Password Detection, 

  • Real-time Push Notifications 

  • Advanced encryption mechanisms (Argon2, AES 256, TLS 1.2+) 

  • Regular updates keep the software up to date 

  • Frequent penetration tests and audits by external security consultants 

  • Use of the right protocols such as OpenID Connect, SAML and JWT 



  • Authentication Environments for Directories (Multiple looks and rules, but only one directory.) 

  • Customization (Corporate Identity and Corporate Brand Management) 

  • Various support levels, maintenance, troubleshooting and support 

  • GDPR compliance and guaranteed hosting on European servers. 


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