English Language Teaching Institute

English Language Teaching Institute

Sheikh Zayed Street, Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi Island and Internal Islands City, AZ
At the English language teaching institute, we offer English courses tailored for Arabic speakers. Our method is very simple and unique, specifically designed for Arab students who have struggled to learn English through the traditional ways.


Teaching Method at The Best English language institute in Abu Dhabi

We emphasize role-playing as a good teaching method. Students are placed in real-life scenarios to practice the language. For instance, we might ask a student to imagine they are at a supermarket and need to buy an item for their child. In this scenario, one student plays the role of the parent, while another student acts as the grocer.


Benefits of This Method

1. Learning New Vocabulary: Students will learn vocabulary and phrases used in everyday life situations.

2. Improving Communication Skills: Students will gain confidence in speaking English in various contexts.

3. Real-Life Experience: Students will feel like they are using the language in their daily lives, so it will enhance their comprehension.


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